K-POP Viewership Fails to Grow. Is Kohaku Unnecessary for Them?

Source: K-POP視聴率伸びない。紅白にはもう不要?/今ここニュース速報(


The K-pop phenomenon has captivated global audiences, but recent viewership data suggests a decline in domestic popularity. As the industry evolves, the question arises: has K-pop outgrown its role in Japan’s prestigious Kohaku Uta Gakki year-end music show?
  • K-pop viewership not increasing
  • Questioning the necessity of K-pop in Kohaku
  • Declining popularity of K-pop
  • Kohaku no longer requires K-pop performances
  • Lack of growth in K-pop audience

See Video for details.


The Rise and Influence of K-Pop

Q&A: The Decline of K-POP Viewership: Is It Time to Exclude Them from Kohaku?

What is the title of the text?

The title of the text is “K-POP viewership not growing. Is it no longer necessary for the Red and White Song Festival?

What is the main topic of the text?

The main topic of the text is the declining viewership of K-POP and its implications for the Red and White Song Festival.

What is the key issue discussed in the text?

The key issue discussed in the text is whether K-POP is still necessary for the Red and White Song Festival, given the declining viewership of K-POP.

Video: K-POP ratings not growing. No longer needed for the Red and White Singing Contest?

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